17. Launch a test Boot-From-Volume instance from HorizonΒΆ

This page is not based on the OpenStack Installation Guide.

  1. From a web browser, access http://*CONTROLLER_ADDRESS*/dashboard.
  2. Log in using the demo credentials.
  3. In the left-hand menu, under “Project”, and then “Compute”, click on “Instances”. Click on Launch instance:
  1. Give the instance the name “test bfv”, and select “Boot from image (creates a new volume)” and the “cirros-xen” image. Launch the instance:
  1. Once the instance enters “Active” status, click on its name:
  1. Click on the “Console” tab, and you should see the instance booting. Wait for the login prompt:
  1. Once the login prompt has appeared, check that you can ping and SSH to the instance. The credentials are:

    • Username: cirros
    • Password: cubswin:)
  2. In the left-hand menu, click on “Instances” again, select the “test instance” in the list and click on “Terminate Instances”:
