7. Build XenServer Host

This page is not based on the OpenStack Installation Guide.

  1. In this guide I am using a server with a small RAID-1 for the OS, and a large RAID-10 for the VMs.
  2. Boot with XenServer 6.5 DVD.
  3. Set keyboard, agree to terms, etc.
  4. Set the installation destination to sda.
  1. Set VM storage to only sdb, and enable thin provisioning:
  1. Select local media as the installation source.
  2. Do not install any supplemental packs.
  3. Skip verification of the installation media.
  4. Set a good *XENSERVER_ROOT* password. Use a password which you don’t mind being plain-text readable to anyone who has root access to this system.
  5. Set the management network interface to use eth1 and configure the IPv4 addresses:
_images/page07-set-ip-addresses.png _images/page07-hostname-and-dns.png
  1. Set an appropriate timezone.
  2. Configure the server to use NTP, and set the server address as the controller’s IP:
  1. Start the installation.
  2. Reboot the server to start XenServer. The first boot will take a very long time. It will appear to hang a couple of times, but wait for it to reach the user interface.
  3. On a Windows workstation, go to http://xenserver.org/open-source-virtualization-download.html
  4. Download XenCenter Windows Management Console, and install it.
  5. Download XenServer 6.5 SP1 (under Service Packs), and keep it safe in a directory.
  6. Download all of the public hotfixes for XenServer 6.5 SP1, and also keep them safe in a directory.
  7. Launch XenCenter, and click add new server:
  1. Enter the address and credentials of the XenServer:
  1. Enable the option to remember the connection, and click OK.
  2. Open up the SP1 zip file you downloaded, and double-click the XenServer Update File inside:
  1. This will open the Install Update wizard. Click Next:
  1. Select our one server, and click next:
  1. XenCenter will upload the update to the server. Click next when done:
  1. XenCenter will run some checks. Click next when done:
  1. Select “Allow XenCenter to carry out the post-update tasks”, and then click on “Install Update”:
  1. XenCenter will perform the installation, and reboot the server. This will take a while to complete. Click Finish when done:
  1. Repeat steps 22-27 for all of the hotfixes you downloaded. Except in step 26, select “I will carry out the post-update checks myself” for ALL of the hotfixes:
  1. Reboot the XenServer by right-clicking it in XenCenter, and clicking on “Reboot”:
  1. Once the server is back online, right-click it and select “New SR…”
  2. Create an ISO library somewhere where you will have read/write access. In my case I am using a Windows share, but you can use NFS:
_images/page07-choose-type-of-storage.png _images/page07-enter-path-of-storage.png
  1. SSH to the XenServer as root.

  2. Create the OpenStack Integration Bridge network:

    # xe network-create name-label=openstack-int-network
  3. Obtain the bridge name of the new network. Write this down as *XAPI_BRIDGE*, as this will be needed later:

    # xe network-list name-label=openstack-int-network params=bridge
      bridge ( RO)    : xapi0
  4. Find the UUID of the ISO library created earlier:

    # xe sr-list
      uuid ( RO)                : ef0adc0a-3b56-5e9d-4824-0821f4be7ed4
                name-label ( RW): Removable storage
          name-description ( RW):
                      host ( RO): compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
                      type ( RO): udev
              content-type ( RO): disk
      uuid ( RO)                : 6658e157-a534-a450-c4db-2ca6dd6296cf
                name-label ( RW): Local storage
          name-description ( RW):
                      host ( RO): compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
                      type ( RO): ext
              content-type ( RO): user
      uuid ( RO)                : f04950c1-ee7b-2ccb-e3e2-127a5bffc5a6
                name-label ( RW): CIFS ISO library
          name-description ( RW): CIFS ISO Library [\\windows.lab.eco.rackspace.com\ISOs]
                      host ( RO): compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
                      type ( RO): iso
              content-type ( RO): iso
      uuid ( RO)                : 7a549ca7-d1af-cf72-fd7e-2f48448354e8
                name-label ( RW): DVD drives
          name-description ( RW): Physical DVD drives
                      host ( RO): compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
                      type ( RO): udev
              content-type ( RO): iso
      uuid ( RO)                : 9a4f8404-7745-b582-484f-108917bf1488
                name-label ( RW): XenServer Tools
          name-description ( RW): XenServer Tools ISOs
                      host ( RO): compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
                      type ( RO): iso
              content-type ( RO): iso
  • In my example, the UUID is f04950c1-ee7b-2ccb-e3e2-127a5bffc5a6.
  1. Set a parameter on the ISO library. Replace *UUID* with the UUID found above:

    # xe sr-param-set uuid=*UUID* other-config:i18n-key=local-storage-iso
  2. Update the system hosts file with entries for all nodes:

    # vi /etc/hosts
  controller controller.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com compute1 compute1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com compute1-vm compute1-vm.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com compute2 compute2.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com block1 block1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com object1 object1.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com object2 object2.openstack.lab.eco.rackspace.com
  3. Relax XSM SR checks. Needed for migration of instances with Cinder volumes:

    # vi /etc/xapi.conf
      relax-xsm-sr-check = true
  4. Symlink a directory of the SR to /images. Needed for instance migration:

    # LOCAL_SR=$(xe sr-list name-label="Local storage" --minimal)
    # IMG_DIR="/var/run/sr-mount/$LOCAL_SR/images"
    # mkdir -p "$IMG_DIR"
    # ln -s "$IMG_DIR" /images
  5. Set up SSH key authentication for the root user. Needed for instance migration. Press ENTER to give default response to all prompts:

    # ssh-keygen
      Generating public/private rsa key pair.
      Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
      Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
      Enter same passphrase again:
      Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
      Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    # cat /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Note: If you are building an additional XenServer host, you will instead copy the contents of /root/.ssh from your first XenServer host to your additional hosts.
  1. Restart the XenServer Toolstack:

    # xe-toolstack-restart